Distinguished Speaker, Jack Emerson Davis
an author and professor of history
Discussing his recent book -The Gulf: The Making of an American Sea
Filed and prevailed in major Clean Water Act lawsuits against St Petersburg, Gulfport and Sarasota County for dumping sewage into our coastal waterways. All cases were victories for the
environment and for the communities suffering from failing sewage systems. The cases settled, forcing major i
Sarasota County was violating the waters flowing into Sarasota Bay without the County Commissioners' knowledge. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) was aware of the problems for years, but did next to nothing in the face of increasing legal violations and environmental harm. After receiving a notice of the federal clean water act Sarasota County settled, another victory for clean water.
We've continued to monitor and when needed, challenge development projects that seek to skirt environmental laws and harm local waterways.
Suncoast Waterkeeper maintains an important role in the ongoing battle to curtain expansion of phosphate in Florida...
Raffle tickets $20. Drawing will be at Brunch for the Bay
P: (941) 722-5936
F: (941) 723-6639